Lisa Van Sciver

Location Jackson, Wy

Role Senior Guide

Years Guiding 16

About Lisa Van Sciver

Lisa began climbing in 1996 and skiing at a young age in the 80’s. Her desire to play in the mountains brought her to the Tetons in 2003, where she continues to live today. Her first few years out of college she recreated avidly and completed achievements like, the first all-female ski descent of The Grand Teton and five Alaskan expeditions. In 2009 Lisa began guiding for Jackson Hole Mountain Guides and Alaska Mountaineering School. In the winters she works for the Jackson Hole Ski Patrol and the Bridger Teton Avalanche Center. When she is not working Lisa can be found climbing dessert towers, ski traversing the Wind Rivers or having a good time exploring the closest wild mountain range.


  • - Outdoor Emergency Care
  • - Avalanche Level 3
  • - AMGA Rock Course
  • - AMGA Ski Course
  • - CPR


  • I just wanted to thank you for setting us up with such unbelievable guides.  They were absolutely solid, professional and fun to be around.  We couldn’t have had better, nor better results.  That climb of the Grand is something I’ll never forget.  I will be back to climb Mt. Moran next.

    —  Paul Edelbrock
  • My experiences with JHMG have been uniformly outstanding.   Each guide that has worked with me over the years has taken a genuine interest in helping me advance my climbing.  The levels of professionalism, expertise, and interest in teaching among the guides I have worked with has been top-notch.

    — David Matthews
  • If you want to climb safely with confidence and learn about WHAT you are actually doing and climbing…Pick JHMG.  Hands down the best guys for the job!  YEARS of experience and professionalism are very obvious from the moment you step inside the shop.  Nice guys, well trained and fun to climb with!

    — Darren Davis
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