Privacy + Policies


We recommend booking early to ensure the availability of a guide. Although we will do our best to accommodate late registrations, please note that Grand Teton, Granite Peak, and Gannett Peak are very popular climbs with limited availability, often selling out months in advance. Once we receive your payment, you will be confirmed on the class or trip you request on a first-come, first-served basis. Reservations with Jackson Hole Mountain Guides are not transferable to third parties without prior approval by JHMG.


Multi-day Climbs & Peak Ascents
We require a 50% deposit to book, with the balance due 30 days prior to the start of your trip. Full payment is required for multi-day climbs and peak ascents booked within 30 days of the trip date.

Climbing School Programs & Standard One-Day Climbs
Full payment is required to book, regardless of timeframe.


We accept Visa, American Express,  MasterCard, Discover, checks, and money orders. A $30 service charge will be applied to all returned checks.


Peak Ascents and Other Multi-Day Trips
All requests for cancellations and date changes must be submitted in writing by mail or email. Once we receive written notice that you are canceling your trip, the following fees apply.

  • If you cancel more than two months from the start of your trip, we will return your full deposit, less a $50 processing fee for single day trips and $70 for multi day trips.
  • If you cancel within 31 to 60 days of your start date, we will retain 50% of your deposit and refund the balance.
  • If you cancel within 30 days of your start date, or fail to appear, you are responsible for and will be charged/billed the full amount of your trip.
Climbing School Programs and One-Day Climbs
All requests for cancellations and date changes must be submitted in writing by mail or email. Once we receive written notice that you are canceling your trip, the following fees apply.
  • If you cancel more than 30 days from the start of your trip, we will return your full payment, less a $50 processing fee.
  • If you cancel 14 to 30 days before your trip, we will retain 50% of your payment and refund the balance.
  • If you cancel within 14 days of your start date, or fail to appear, you will be charged for the entire amount of your trip.
Avalanche Courses and Backcountry Ski Tours
All requests for cancellations and date changes must be submitted in writing by mail or email. Once we receive written notice that you are canceling your trip, the following fees apply.
  • If you cancel more than 30 days from the start of your trip, we will return your full payment, less a $50 processing fee for single day trips and $70 for multi day trips.
  • If you cancel 14 to 30 days before your trip, we will retain 50% of your payment and refund the balance.
  • If you cancel within 14 days of your start date, or fail to appear, you will be charged for the entire amount of your trip.
Cancellations by Jackson Hole Mountain Guides
JHMG reserves the right to cancel any program due to inadequate bookings, weather or route conditions, or for any other reason. If JHMG must cancel a trip, a full refund will be given. In such cases, JHMG is not responsible for expenses incurred by the client in connection with the trip such as airfare, car rental, equipment purchases, etc. If we cancel a trip, every effort will be made to reschedule. If we are unable to schedule another date, we will refund your payment. If JHMG elects to run an under-booked, group-rate trip, we reserve the right to modify or shorten the trip if you are the sole participant.

Date Changes

Date changes are subject to availability and apply only to the current climbing season.

  • You may request a date change up to 31 days before the start date without additional charge.
  • A $50 per person processing fee will be charged for requests made 30 to 15 days before the start date.
  • Rescheduling requests submitted with 14 or fewer days remaining before the start date are treated as cancellations and are subject to the cancellation policies described above.


By its very nature, mountaineering and other backcountry adventures are an uncertain endeavor, and many factors can influence the outcome of a trip. While we understand that reaching the summit or your intended objective is important, and our guides will make every effort to do so safely, we cannot guarantee that you will summit or achieve all the objectives you may have set for yourself. Factors such as weather, route conditions, or your own abilities may create circumstances that make continuing with the climb unsafe or unwise, and you or your party may have to descend before reaching the summit or accomplishing your objectives. Accordingly, once a trip or class begins, we are unable to offer refunds for weather-related cancellations, or for trips or classes that end prematurely due to weather, route conditions or circumstances within, or affecting, your group. Further, if you decide for any reason not to begin or continue with your climb, no credits or refunds will be given.

Waiting List

If a class or trip is full when we receive your registration and payment, we will notify you that you have been placed on a waiting list. If you decide to cancel your reservation while still on the wait list, we will refund your payment.

Trip Insurance

Factors such as illness, injuries, family emergencies, business obligations, missed or cancelled flights, lost baggage, etc., may require you to cancel or delay your trip. Unless you are willing to absorb the entire cost of your program in the event of a cancellation, we encourage you to obtain trip insurance to protect your investment. Please visit to shop for the policy that is right for you.

Anti-Discrimination / Anti-Harassment / Anti-Racist Policy

The Mountain Guides does not tolerate racist, sexual, or discriminatory harassment and takes all steps necessary to prevent its occurrence. The Mountain Guides does not discriminate on the basis of race, ethnicity, age, ability, veteran status, marital or domestic partnership status, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, and/or other legally protected characteristics. 

The Mountain Guides reserves the right to interfere in response to behavior that violates the policy, including intervening and requesting that a behavior change up through ending or canceling a trip. If a trip is canceled or interrupted due to a violation of this policy, no refund will be given and JHMG is not responsible for expenses incurred by the guests(s) in connection with the trip such as airfare, car rental, equipment purchases, etc.

Here are some useful definitions to give context to this policy:

Protected characteristics are those personal traits, characteristics and/or beliefs that are defined by applicable law as protected from discrimination and/or harassment. They include race, creed, color, sex, gender identity or expression, age, national origin, ancestry, religion, physical or mental disability, veteran status, marital or domestic partnership status, affectional or sexual orientation and/or other characteristics protected by applicable law.

Discrimination is adverse treatment of an individual based on a protected characteristic, rather than individual merit. Examples of conduct that can constitute discrimination if based on an individual’s protected characteristic include but are not limited to:

  • Singling out or targeting an individual for different or less favorable treatment (e.g., more severe discipline) because of their protected characteristic.
  • Excluding an individual from program participation or from employment opportunities based on their protected characteristic.
Harassment is unwelcome verbal or physical behavior which is directed at a person based on a protected characteristic, when these behaviors are sufficiently severe and/or pervasive to have the effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual's programmatic experience, working conditions or living conditions by creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive environment. Examples of conduct that can constitute harassment if based on an individual’s protected characteristic include but are not limited to:
  • Unwelcome jokes or comments about a legally protected characteristic (e.g., racial or ethnic jokes)
  • Disparaging remarks to a person or about a legally protected characteristic (e.g., negative or offensive remarks or jokes about a person's religion or religious garments)
  • All communications, including those conveyed electronically, such as by email, telephone or voicemail, text messaging, or social media or other internet use, that violate this Policy
  • Written or graphic material or iconography circulated or displayed that denigrates or shows hostility toward an individual or group because of race or other protected classification
  • Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature (e.g., leering or whistling; brushing against anyone’s body; sexually suggestive or insulting comments; displaying sexually suggestive objects, pictures, or cartoons) when such conduct intends to interfere with an individual’s work performance, program participants’ experience, or creating an intimidating, hostile, humiliating, or offensive working environment 
IF The Mountain Guides (e.g., Guides, Office Staff ) FEEL A PARTICIPANT HAS VIOLATED THIS POLICY, they are empowered to take immediate action: 
  • Refuse to book a trip for a guest at the outset.
  • If they feel harassment or discriminatory behavior is unreasonably interfering with the programmatic experience, they will directly state that something is inappropriate and ask for behavior change. 
  • If the individual does not cooperate, their participation may be limited (e.g. removed from a trip or experience), or the entire program/trip may be canceled altogether at any time.
  • They may contact office staff for intervention or support during the program. 
  • Document the incident in writing and notify the JHMG office as soon as possible to follow-up with appropriate parties.

Report your complaint to: Phil Powers, 

To make an anonymous complaint, you may mail a statement (with as much specificity as possible regarding who, what, where, and when) to the attention of Phil Powers, PO Box 7477 | 1325 South Highway 89 | Unit 104, Jackson, Wyoming, 83002

Concerns, reports of discrimination, harassment, or retaliation should be made orally or in writing and as soon as possible. The earlier the report, the easier it is to investigate and take appropriate remedial action. Remedial actions can include intervention by a Human Resources professional, other staff, or sometimes an outside party unrelated to The Mountain Guides, or, where facts are in dispute, an investigation. Making a false report or providing false information may be grounds for discipline in the absence of a good faith belief that the report/information is true.

The Mountain Guides prohibits retaliation against individuals who raise concerns of perceived discrimination or harassment or who participate in the investigation of any claim of discrimination or harassment. Retaliation is any materially adverse action that would dissuade a reasonable person from making or supporting a claim of harassment or discrimination. 

The Mountain Guides will maintain the confidentiality of the complaint to the greatest extent possible, consistent with the goals of conducting a thorough and complete investigation and effecting any appropriate remedial action.


Jackson Hole Mountain Guides is firmly committed to the privacy of our web visitors. We have developed the following policy to disclose the information gathering and dissemination practices for our website.

We collect voluntary information from web visitors for administrative functions. None of the information collected for these functions is provided to any outside party for any reason, within the limits of the law.

Security measures are in place to protect against loss, alteration, or misuse of data collected. Suspected incidents of unauthorized use of a web visitors personal data should be reported immediately for our prompt attention.

This site contains links to resources outside the Jackson Hole Mountain Guides website. We are not responsible for the content of those sites.

Questions regarding the policy outlined in this document should be addressed to


Jackson Hole Mountain Guides firearm policy prioritizes safety and professionalism. No firearms will be permitted by employees or guests during trips. No firearms will be permitted at Corbet High Camp by both visitors and off duty employees.

Drug and Alcohol

Definitions under this policy

A “substance” includes alcohol, illegal drugs, inhalants and prescription and over-the- counter drugs. An “illegal drug” is any substance that is illegal to use, possess, sell, or transfer. “Drug paraphernalia” are any items used or intended for use in making, packaging, concealing, injecting, inhaling, or consuming illegal drugs or inhalants. A “prescription drug” is any substance prescribed for an individual by a licensed health care provider. An “inhalant” is any substance that produces mind-altering effects when inhaled.

You are considered “under the influence” if any substance: o Impairs your behavior or your ability to move safely and productively or use good judgement o Results in a physical or mental condition that creates a risk to your own safety, the safety of others, or company property.

Guest Policy

All guests must follow these rules while on company premises and while participating on a trip. These rules apply any place we conduct company business.

  • You may not use, possess, or be under the influence of alcohol on company premises.
  • You may not use, possess, or be under the influence of illegal drugs.
  • You may not sell, buy, transfer or distribute any drugs. It is against the law to do so, and such actions will be reported to the authorities.
  • You may not use, possess, sell, transfer, or distribute drug paraphernalia.
  • You may not use or be under the influence of inhalants.
  • You must follow these rules if you take prescription or over-the-counter drugs on the job:
  • You may use a prescription drug only if a licensed health care provider
  • prescribed it for you within the last year.
  • You may use prescription or over-the-counter drugs only if they do not generally affect your ability.
  • You must follow directions, including dosage limits and usage cautions.
  • You must keep these drugs in their original containers or bring only the necessary supply.

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