JHMG New Guide Audit Form

New Guide Audit Form

Please complete this form when Auditing New guides

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Conditions

  • Log

    Please include a brief chronological description of the Daily activities: Include specifics that paint a picture of the guide's experience on this particular audit. For multi-day trips, please include "Day 1" and "Day 2" Labels. Example: Day 1- Short Roped up the Black Rock Chimneys, but descended via the OS Gulley.
  • Comments and Recommendations

    Please include a brief outline of constructive criticisms and analysis. Include Guide's soft skills such as ability to maintain rapport with clients, and hard skills such as short roping and short pitching, climbing ability and comfort in the alpine environment. Make note of the next steps this guide needs to take to bring them up to JHMG standards.
  • Overall Perrformance

    Give a summarized performance rating. This should give the reader a good idea where this guide stands withoput reviewing the whole audit
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