John Muir’s Birthday
April 21, 2015 | Posted in: JHMG
Today is John Muir’s Birthday – and it should serve as a reminder to get outside as much as we can!
“Thousands of tired, nerve-shaken, over-civilized people are beginning to find out that going into the mountains is going home; that wilderness is a necessity; and that mountain parks and reservations are useful not only as fountains of timber and irrigating rivers, but as fountains of life.” – John Muir
This got me thinking about what it is we do here at JHMG. At our core, we are a guiding company and a climbing school. At least that’s what it says on our logo. But after reading this quote. I began to look at JHMG and professional guides in general, a little differently.
In some ways, we are the gate keepers. We give access to beautiful places and great adventures, to people who otherwise might not have the opportunity, time or skill to be able to experience the wilderness. If you buy into Mr. Muir’s eloquent quote, our work takes on a more noble and more important meaning.
At JHMG we give people the opportunity to experience the wilderness of one of the most iconic National Parks in the United States; Grand Teton National Park. While most visitors get to enjoy the park from the road. Looking up at the majestic Teton Range. Our clients get a perspective that few people ever get. They get a view from the top down. Many get to stand at its highest point and survey the natural beauty from above the clouds. We have the opportunity to give our clients, not just a summit, but maybe they return back to their lives having touched the “fountain of life.”
Admittedly, I may be reading more into it than Mr. Muir intended, but I am going to wake up tomorrow, eager to share not just the summit or crag, but to share the beauty and enjoyment of the wilderness.
Thanks John Muir.